Brooke's Creative Circle
Join now and pay just $47!

Do you have a business that you want to GROW and MAXIMIZE in the online space?!?! Are you ready to TRULY start walking in your purpose and living your passion, while making it a sustainable career? THIS is the coaching group for YOU! Join now and embark on a journey to success!
I want to help YOU find yourself...find your passion...find your creativity...find your drive...find your motivation...find your courage...and find your willpower to get out there and DO the things that will help you succeed with your business!

I have built not ONE but TWO 7-figure businesses AND was recognized as one of FORBESNEXT1000 entrepreneurs, so I have walked the walk of what I am teaching!

It is not too early. It is not too late. It is the RIGHT TIME!

What Our Students Are Saying...

Jan Thomas

Rodan and Fields Consultant

I started following Brooke on her Re-Fabbed page. Loved everything she was doing and talking about. I am in a direct sales skin care company, so when she mentioned the Creative Circle coaching group, I was not sure it would apply to me. I WAS WRONG!I have learned so much about social media, business in general and the “ how tos” I personally needed!!
I love how supportive this group is. No such thing as a stupid question!!
This has been the best spent money for information, support and fun!!

Jan Thomas
Rodan + Fields

Monti King
I joined this group February 5, 2021. I have not regretted it one bit! I own a small flower shop in Mississippi and had been following a guy named Gary Vee who is an amazing teacher when it comes to all things social media and building your business. I struggled mightily with following his plan, because he was not a creative. Brooke was an answer to my prayers, she told me exactly what I needed to do step by step and in a way I could understand. I started this journey with Brooke with only 5,000 followers on Facebook and I am up to 25,000 in less than 2 years. I never watch a video where I don’t learn something. Thank you Brooke for you love and kindness and your continued support. I wouldn’t be where I am today with out your teaching.

Monti King
Flowers by the Bunch
Brian Furkin
I have been in Brooke’s coaching group for just a little while now. I love this group! You will get all the information you need and want from this group. Brooke is very transparent and she is as honest as the day is long. She tells it like it is. Not only is she extremely motivating and encouraging, she is a hoot and such a fun person to watch. She truly wants to see you succeed. She’s not like a lot of other coaches that just takes your money and don’t care. She’s the real deal. If you don’t see growth in your business after joining her group, that’s on you because she gives you everything you need to be extremely successful. Look at her multi-million dollar business. She’s walking proof that she knows her stuff, and is the real deal. Take it from me, it’s in your best interest to join her group. Such a small price to pay for such a big payoff.

Brian Furkin
Brian Lane Designs
 What do I get for my $47 monthly investment? 
  • Smaller group setting with Brooke 

  • Q & A session with Brooke to ask YOUR questions specifically!

  • Trainings on topics that are relevant and timely for growth in the online space!

  • Actionable steps to take in YOUR business for maximum growth and community building! 

  • Tips and tricks that save you TIME and money!

  • Business networking, which you will find is EXTREMELY important in the online space!

  • Weekly motivation to encourage and uplift and keep you encouraged on your journey!

  • Re-Fabbed Boutique coupon code for all members!

 Why Brooke? How is she any different than all the other coaches?!?! 

8 years ago, I started my own business. I started from SCRATCH, and I did not have a SINGLE clue what I was doing, but I knew that the first step to being successful was STARTING, so I did!

Throughout the past 8 years, I have learned sooooo many things about business, life, finding yourself and staying true to your dreams and yourself throughout the process. Listen, I didn't have a handbook...I had the school of Googling, trial and error, watching every YouTube channel I could find and then trying to see how I could apply it to my business. It was HARD.

I have spent countless hours (and dollars) learning all I could so that I could one day help others achieve their dreams with their own business! Because of my work, you can have the shortcut! How awesome is THAT?!?!

I have grown my social media followings to WELL OVER a million and a half followers total, have grown my blog to 1 MILLION + pageviews/month, and I have grown my passion into TWO successful multi million dollar business online!  

I CAN help YOU too! 

You have to invest in yourself and in your business to get to the place you want to be! If you are not ready for that...then you are not ready for this.

Dreams don't work unless you do! Let me help you get there! Let's DO THIS!!! I cannot wait!

Take the First Step to Success! Fill Out the Form Below and Join Brooke's Creative Circle Coaching Group Today!
If you're still on the fence, it's time to JUMP OFF and seize this incredible opportunity. Join Brooke's Creative Circle coaching group and take your business to new heights! Explore multiple ways to make money and diversify your revenue streams. Let Brooke show you how to GROW and THRIVE.
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